time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm sunday
Etsy has a safe and secure checkout process on its platform. Filling out the payment form on Etsy is the only safe way to transfer money to a seller on Etsy. Check refund policies A low number of sales doesn't necessarily indicate the seller can't be trusted. An Etsy shop may have opened in the past month or two and simply been unable to make many sales in that time. On Etsy Since Although Etsy Support does its best to remove fraudulent sellers from Etsy, people can set up fake shops. Yes, Etsy sellers can see a buyer's shipping address. A buyer must share their shipping address with sellers so physical items can be sent to them. If, despite your best efforts, you get scammed on Etsy, you can open a case with Etsy. They'll review your experience with the seller and determine if you did indeed get scammed. I am not able to help you resolve a case or settle a dispute with an Etsy Seller. You must open a case on Etsy.com designer bags cyber monday
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