time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm sunday
Some of the them started to manufacturing the bags without the authorize of the brand owner. And it takes only weeks for those manufacturers to copy a batch of mirror quality bags. a. Price: $0-$150: Almost all sellers you can find on the ads of facebook at this price level are scam. And some sellers from DHgate/ Aliexpress/ Amazon are selling the bags at this price level, they will not ship you the bags with the quality of bags shows on the website, or some of them will ship you the bags with just an lv/gucci logo on it, but have nothing to do with the authentic bags, means neither the out look nor the material. b. If you spend $300 in China market (without shipping fee), means you can get something same or even better than the so called authentic bags. And what's more, everytime I found something on internet but beyond the scope of their website, they would find it and quote us at a favorable price. designer bags cyber monday
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