time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm sunday
The way we do this is pretty simple. In this particular case there are ZERO results. That means that there is definitly customer demand over at Amazon.com and there are literally zero books on this subject on the audible platform that Amazon owns (and gets 20+ million visitors each month). There is clearly an opportunity here. Your book can be as long as you like or as short as you like. However, how long it ends up being is going to determine what kind of royalty you get once the entire process is complete. Because of this, I would recommend about 20-25k words per book. This should put your final audiobook at just over 3 hours in length and this is where you make the best money. It also works incredibly well because you are offering them full time work moving forward if the job is successful. Freelancers spend a majority of their time searching for new clients so if they can cut out that process completely and just provide you with excellent ebooks, they know they can make a lot more money. I know everyone always says not to judge a book by its cover but we all do it. You do it, I do it, and your potential customers are going to do it too! Because of this, head back over to OnlineJobs.ph and post a job for an ebook cover designer. There are a lot of very very talented artists out there and you should get an amazing cover for your book for $20-$30 dollars. Set your book at $2.99 or above, and select the 70% royalty share. If you price below $2.99, you will get a much smaller cut. Since we will not be focusing on the actual ebook, every time it sells, we want to maximize our profit. I was expecting the system to use my card on file, but had to follow up and actually send the narrator the money over paypal. After that occurs, they will also approve the book, and it will get final approval from the ACX team! designer bags cyber monday
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